首页>> 社交 >> 6月14日周六“旅游与签证”上海市人才外籍人士海归聚会Sat. June 14 Shanghai Talents, Expats, Returnees Gathering
6月14日周六“旅游与签证”上海市人才外籍人士海归聚会Sat. June 14 Shanghai Talents, Expats, Returnees Gathering
开始时间: 2014-06-14 19:30 结束时间: 2014-06-14 23:00
所在地: 只通知邮件报名者 组织方: 上海传奇网 博爱和谐海归群
发布时间 2014-06-08 | 阅览数 1866次

Shanghai Legend talent, expat and returnee social networking event will be held on Saturday June 14. Thank you for all the friends supporting our events in the past four years. All of our activities maintain the size above 100 people. This year we expect to further increase the number of people.

博爱和谐海归群和上海传奇网www.legend001.com(专业的商务社交网站)联合组织6月14日星期六“旅游与签证”上海市人才,外籍人士和海归聚会。 感谢四年以来所有长期支持我们活动的朋友。以往聚会的照片发布在上海传奇网随拍主页下聚会版块。我们所有的活动都保持了百人以上的规模,并且将逐步扩大。



By the recommendation of domestic and international headhunting companies, every day almost a hundred of professional people, both Chinese and expatriates in Shanghai are joining our social network.


Expats in Shanghai are warmly welcome to join us. Fraternity and Harmony Chinese Returnee Group is a national think tank, also a research and exchange center for returnee and overseas Chinese talents. The returnee group and Shanghai Legend have already set up a strong social network in Shanghai. Non-returnee entrepreneurs and high quality talents from all walks of life are also welcome to join us.


In the past four years, Fraternity and Harmony Chinese Returnee Group has become the largest and the most influential returnee NGO in Shanghai. The returnee group has already over 16,000 formal and informal returnee members. Among them there are numerous investors, entrepreneurs, golden collars and industry elites, plenty of talents speaking different world languages, many kinds of beautiful and legendary stories on returnees tens of years oversea and China life experience. In addition, there are over 5,000 Chinese golden collars, white collars and expatriates in our social network.



Event Procedures:


1,签到付费signature and payment at the door

2,致辞,欢迎新老朋友 welcome speech to all friends

3,秘境文莱和沙巴旅游简要介绍 introduction of tourism in Brunei Darussalam and Sabah, Malaysia

4,中国护照持有人旅游免签和落地签各国情况介绍和更新 introduction and update of tourist visa exemption and tourist visa upon arrival for Chinese passport holders

5,自我介绍熟悉环节 self-introduction

6,自由交流交友,畅谈海归话题,职业话题,生活话题等 free talk time, returnee topics, career topics, life topics, etc.


The objectives of Shanghai Legend social networking events:


1,结识朋友,工作上的或者生活上的 making friends for both work and life

2,商务合作 potential business cooperation

3,寻求工作机会和寻找合适的员工 job opportunity and recruitment opportunity


Date & Time: Saturday June 14, starting 19:30, ending 23:00

Place: Hotel Bar, Huang Pu District, details sent to email registered attendees

Cost: RMB 120 yuan, cash only, payment at the entrance

Dress code: smart casual

The whole venue is booked for the event, including 5 types of unlimited soft drinks and a variety of snacks.  All brands of beer are sponsored by Shanghai Legend www.legend001.com.

Kind reminder: No drunk driving



Please drop an email to info@legend001.com for enrollment. Thank you.

Enrollment deadline: Friday June 13, 20:00






Shanghai Legend www.legend001.com (only in Chinese language)


Fraternity and Harmony Chinese Returnee Group


Shanghai Returnee Center
