首页>> 社交 >> 上海传奇网人力资源每月定点聚会
开始时间: 2011-07-02 19:30 结束时间: 2011-07-02 23:00
所在地: 待定 组织方: 上海传奇网
发布时间 2011-04-24 | 阅览数 11023次


As a professional business and social networking website, Shanghai Legend www.legend001.com plans to organize human resources monthly events from the beginning of July, 2011. We will make the human resources gatherings influential across all the industries. All the people especially the following are welcome to join us:

1,猎头行业人员,企事业单位人力资源部门 headhunters and HR department personnel

2,政府领导,公务员 government leaders and officials

3,企业家,创业者 entrepreneurs

4,律师,医生 lawyers and doctors

5,各行业金领,白领,蓝领 golden collar, white collar and blue collar in all industries

6,在沪工作的外国人 expats in Shanghai

7,在校实习生 university interns




Interested people please send your brief introduction and contact information to the email info@legend001.com, you will receive the updated human resources information and event notices.