首页>> 社交 >> 4月13日星期六上海市人才外籍人士海归聚会Sat. April 13 Shanghai Talents,Expats,Returnees Gathering
4月13日星期六上海市人才外籍人士海归聚会Sat. April 13 Shanghai Talents,Expats,Returnees Gathering
开始时间: 2013-04-13 19:30 结束时间: 2013-04-13 23:00
所在地: 只通知邮件报名者 组织方: 上海传奇网 博爱和谐海归群
发布时间 2013-03-31 | 阅览数 1987次
Shanghai Legend talent, expat and returnee social networking event will be held on Saturday April 13. Thank you for about 120 friends joining the returnee gathering on March 30.
博爱和谐海归群和上海传奇网www.legend001.com(专业的商务社交网站)联合组织4月13日星期六上海传奇网人才,外籍人士和海归聚会。 感谢近120位参加3月30日聚会。
Expats in Shanghai are warmly welcome to join us. Fraternity and Harmony Chinese Returnee Group is a national think tank, also a research and exchange center for returnee and overseas Chinese talents. The returnee group has already set up a strong social network in Shanghai. Non-returnee entrepreneurs and high quality talents from all walks of life are also welcome to join us.
In the past three and half years, Fraternity and Harmony Chinese Returnee Group has become the largest and the most influential returnee NGO in Shanghai. The returnee group has already over 13,500 formal and informal returnee members. Among them there are numerous investors, entrepreneurs, golden collars and industry elites, plenty of talents speaking different world languages, many kinds of beautiful and legendary stories on returnees tens of years oversea and China life experience.
Event Procedures:
1,签到付费signature and payment at the door
2,致辞,欢迎新老朋友welcome speech to all friends
3,博爱和谐海归群介绍introduction of Fraternity and Harmony Chinese Returnee Group
4,自我介绍,10个名额,每个人最多允许1分钟时间self-introduction, 10 people each allowed to speak for 1 minute
5,名片抽奖business card lucky draw(无工作单位名片者,建议印刷私人名片)
三等奖,4个名额,各得巧克力一盒third prize, 4 chances, each got a box of chocolate
二等奖,1个名额,小皮夹子一个second prize, 1 chance, got a small wallet
一等奖,1个名额,精美化妆品一套first prize, 1 chance, got a gift box of cosmetics
奖品由上海传奇网www.legend001.com赞助sponsored by Shanghai Legend www.legend001.com
6,自由交流交友,畅谈海归话题,职业话题,生活话题等free talk time, returnee topics, career topics, life topics, etc.
The objectives of Shanghai Legend social networking events:
1,结识朋友,工作上的或者生活上的making friends for both work and life
2,商务合作potential business cooperation
3,寻求工作机会和寻找合适的员工job opportunity and recruitment opportunity
Date & Time: Saturday April 13, starting 19:30, ending 23:00
Place: European Business & Culture Centre, People Square area, details sent to email registered attendees
Dress code: smart casual
Cost: RMB 110 yuan, cash only, payment at the entrance
The whole venue is booked for the event, including 5 types of unlimited soft drinks. All brands of beer are sponsored by Shanghai Legend www.legend001.com.
Kind reminder: No drunk driving
Please drop an email to info@legend001.com for enrollment. Thank you.
Enrollment deadline: Friday April 12, 20:00
Shanghai Legend www.legend001.com(only in Chinese language)
Fraternity and Harmony Chinese Returnee Group http://blog.sina.com.cn/boaihexie(only in Chinese language)