首页>> 社交 >> 6月29日周六上海人力资源聚会和海归聚会联合举行Sat. June 29 Shanghai Human Resources Monthly Event and Returnee Gathering
6月29日周六上海人力资源聚会和海归聚会联合举行Sat. June 29 Shanghai Human Resources Monthly Event and Returnee Gathering
开始时间: 2013-06-29 19:30 结束时间: 2013-06-29 23:00
所在地: 只通知邮件报名者 组织方: 上海传奇网 博爱和谐海归群
发布时间 2013-06-23 | 阅览数 1457次
Shanghai Legend human resources monthly event and returnee gathering are jointly held on Saturday June 29. Thank you for about 120 business professionals joining the returnee gathering on June 22.
As a professional business and social networking website, Shanghai Legend www.legend001.comwill make the human resources event influential across all the industries. Fraternity and Harmony Chinese Returnee Group is a national think tank, also a research and exchange center for returnee and overseas Chinese talents. Especially the following people are welcome to join us:
1,海归Chinese returnees from all over the world
2,猎头行业人员,企事业单位人力资源部门headhunters and HR department personnel
3,中外政府领导,公务员China and foreign government leaders and officials
5,各领域科学家,专家scientists and experts in all fields
6,中外律师,记者和医生China and foreign lawyers, journalists, and doctors
7,各行业金领,白领,蓝领golden collar, white collar and blue collar in all industries
8,在沪工作的外国人expats in Shanghai
Event Procedures:
1,签到付费signature and payment at the door
2,致辞,欢迎新老朋友welcome speech to all friends
3,自我介绍,每个人最多允许1分钟时间self-introduction, each allowed to speak for 1 minute
4,名片抽奖(无工作单位名片者,建议印刷私人名片),四个名额,各得精美塑料饮水杯一个,奖品由上海传奇网www.legend001.com赞助business card lucky draw, 4 chances, each got a nice plastic cup, sponsored by Shanghai Legend www.legend001.com
5,自由交流free talk time
6,人力资源合作请联系上海传奇网负责人B2B human resources cooperation, please contact Shanghai Legend management team
7,各行各业商业项目合作,上海传奇网可以帮助牵线搭桥Various business projects cooperation, Shanghai Legend will help pull the strings.
The purposes of Shanghai Legend events:
1,娱乐性:轻松交流,话题随意about entertainment, relaxed environment and free chat
2,事业性:工作机会交流,寻找事业合作伙伴about career, looking for job opportunities and entrepreneur partners
3,生活性:交朋识友,寻找志同道合的朋友about life, looking for friends with same value and excellent ideas
Motto: networking changes life
Date & Time: Saturday June 29, starting 19:30, ending 23:00
Place: Hotel Bar, Huang Pu District, details sent to email registered attendees
Cost: RMB 110 yuan, cash only, payment at the entrance
Dress code: casual chic
The whole venue is booked for the event, including 5 types of unlimited soft drinks and a variety of snacks. All brands of beer are sponsored by Shanghai Legend www.legend001.com.
Please drop an email to info@legend001.com for enrollment. Thank you.
Enrollment deadline: Friday June 28, 20:00
Shanghai Legend www.legend001.com(only in Chinese language)
Fraternity and Harmony Chinese Returnee Group http://blog.sina.com.cn/boaihexie(only in Chinese language)