首页>> 社交 >> 8月17日周六“精英之夜”上海市人才外籍人士海归聚会Sat. Aug. 17 Shanghai Talents, Expats, Returnees Gathering
8月17日周六“精英之夜”上海市人才外籍人士海归聚会Sat. Aug. 17 Shanghai Talents, Expats, Returnees Gathering
开始时间: 2013-08-17 19:30 结束时间: 2013-08-17 23:00
所在地: 只通知邮件报名者 组织方: 上海传奇网 博爱和谐海归群
发布时间 2013-08-04 | 阅览数 2755次
Shanghai Legend talent, expat and returnee social networking event “Night of Elites” will be held on Saturday August 17. Thank you for about 80 friends joining the returnee gathering on August 3.
博爱和谐海归群和上海传奇网www.legend001.com(专业的商务社交网站)联合组织8月17日星期六“精英之夜”上海传奇网人才,外籍人士和海归聚会。 感谢近80位参加8月3日聚会。
Expats in Shanghai are warmly welcome to join us. Fraternity and Harmony Chinese Returnee Group is a national think tank, also a research and exchange center for returnee and overseas Chinese talents. The returnee group has already set up a strong social network in Shanghai. Non-returnee entrepreneurs and high quality talents from all walks of life are also welcome to join us.
In the past four years, Fraternity and Harmony Chinese Returnee Group has become the largest and the most influential returnee NGO in Shanghai. The returnee group has already over 15,000 formal and informal returnee members. Among them there are numerous investors, entrepreneurs, golden collars and industry elites, plenty of talents speaking different world languages, many kinds of beautiful and legendary stories on returnees tens of years oversea and China life experience.
Dr. Justin Hu
E Tiger Capital Partners, LLC. 联合创始人、首席执行官兼首席投资官。在量化交易平台开发与策略研究,自动控制及人工智能,以及计算机硬件设计与软件编程方面均有多年丰富经验。1995年本科毕业于中国科技大学自动化系。硕士就读于中科院自动化所人工智能实验室,师从戴汝为院士及田捷研究员。博士毕业于普林斯顿大学电子工程系。2002年至2007年在美国IBM T. J. Watson 研究中心担任高级研究员。拥有美国发明专利约15项。
Dr. Li Bin
Shop In Motion, Inc. 联合创始人、总裁兼首席运营官,“千人计划”专家。1984年获中国科技大学理论物理学士学位,1985年通过中美物理联合招生赴美留学。1992年获纽约大学数学物理博士学位。在著名的Courant数学科学研究院从事博士后研究,后加入美林证券,并因其在证券研究和交易策略方面的杰出工作很快被提升为副总裁。1997年加入瑞士银行,继而成为瑞士银行在北美的六人执行委员会成员之一。1998年,瑞士银行与瑞士联合银行合并之后,成为其投资银行分公司Warburg Dillon Read 执行总裁及全球数量交易策略总裁。离开瑞银之后,他联合创立了Westport Financial LLC,并担任该公司董事会主席兼总裁。李先生因其在金融投资领域的卓越业绩和传奇经历,与江平、黎彦修被并称为“华尔街三剑客”。
Event Procedures:
1,签到付费,第11位至第50位签到者赠送价值1000元的VIP美容卡各一张,男女均适用,总计4万元,可在连锁店做现金消费signature and payment at the door. A VIP beauty card will be given to 11thto 50thattendees, worth 1,000 RMB yuan each, suitable for both men and women, a total of 40,000 yuan that can be consumed in the chain stores.
2,致辞,欢迎新老朋友welcome speech to all friends
3,博爱和谐海归群介绍introduction of Fraternity and Harmony Chinese Returnee Group
4,自我介绍,10个名额,每个人最多允许1分钟时间self-introduction, 10 people each allowed to speak for 1 minute
二十个名额,各得音乐剧《寻找初恋》门票二张,每张价值260元,奖品由United Asia Live Entertainment赞助business card lucky draw, 20 chances, each got 2 tickets of musical theater , each worth RMB 260 yuan, sponsored by United Asia Live Entertainment

6,自由交流交友,畅谈海归话题,职业话题,生活话题等free talk time, returnee topics, career topics, life topics, etc.
The objectives of Shanghai Legend social networking events:
1,结识朋友,工作上的或者生活上的making friends for both work and life
2,商务合作potential business cooperation
3,寻求工作机会和寻找合适的员工job opportunity and recruitment opportunity
Date & Time: Saturday August 17, starting 19:30, ending 23:00
Place: Cafe on Fuzhou Road, Huangpu District, details sent to email registered attendees
Cost: RMB 110 yuan, cash only, payment at the entrance
Dress code: casual chic
Both 1st and 2nd floors are booked for the event, including a variety of unlimited soft drinks. All brands of beer are sponsored by Shanghai Legend www.legend001.com.
Kind reminder: No drunk driving
Please drop an email to info@legend001.com for enrollment. Thank you.
Enrollment deadline: Friday August 16, 20:00
Shanghai Legend www.legend001.com(only in Chinese language)
Fraternity and Harmony Chinese Returnee Group
Shanghai Returnee Center